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Make Headhunting Easier When Working With a Recruiter

When you run a business, there’s always going to be some amount of turnover. People take up jobs and leave them sooner or later. It’s rare to find someone who sticks to the same job or the same company from the beginning of their career to the end.

But as a business owner, you want to make sure that you attract the right kind of people and keep them for as long as possible. It’s never good for a company to have too much turnover because this can lead to chaos. Your employees might not even stay for as long as needed for them to learn how to do the job properly. So things can get difficult to manage.

The solution is to work with a recruiter and find the right person for the job. Here are some things to keep in mind in order to do this:

Clarify the Job Description

Often, business owners run into issues with retaining employees because they’re not clear about the job description. They might set up a position thinking that the employee in that position is going to perform certain tasks. But after hiring the employee, they might start changing the job description to include new things. This makes the hiring process a lot more haphazard than it needs to be.

For example, you can’t hire an administrative assistant and then move them over to the spot that was taken up by the marketing assistant. This is putting too much pressure on that employee. And it’s also setting them up to fail in the future. The same applies to employees in higher positions. Being an office manager is quite different from being a marketing manager.

In some rare cases, you might hire someone for one position and find that they have a talent for another, in which case it might be acceptable to move them to another position. But 90% of the time, it helps to have complete clarity about the job description from the beginning.

The headhunter that you’re working with will also affirm that this is how you should go about things if you want to hire someone who will last.

Improve Your Company culture

Having a good company culture can mean many things. Your company culture can be one of diligence and reliability. This might be what customers are looking for when they come to you. Or it can be one of innovation and creativity if that’s what you’re trying to promote within your company.

But having a good company culture also means doing whatever is necessary to keep your employees happy. This usually means that you can’t expect an unreasonable amount of overtime. You have to give employees the opportunity to achieve a work-life balance.

You can also encourage an atmosphere of creativity and cooperation within the company. An open door policy will encourage employees to come to you with any ideas, complaints, suggestions etc. And if an employee feels like they have the freedom to express what they’re feeling, that goes a long way towards making them want to stay with your company.

Having a good company culture is what leads to the inclusion of a company in those lists of top companies to work for. And any headhunter will tell you that having a good company culture is going to give you a major advantage when it comes to attracting the best possible talent. Additionally, it will help to make sure that all those great people you attract will also stay in their jobs and help your company to grow.

Contact us for more great tips to find and retain employees in your company.

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Proficient Staffing

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