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Debunking Employment Recruiter Myths

Recruiters are people who specialize in recruiting staff for a business’s hierarchy. Typically, a recruiter will recruit job candidates at the middle or top-level of management. A recruiter is also responsible for recruiting the best candidates who may not be willing to commit to a position on a full-time basis.

These qualified candidates may be looking for something on a temporary basis, but they will still be equipped with the skills, experiences, and resources that are needed to do their job. Recruiting these types of job candidates will significantly help a business or organization succeed in the long run. In addition, recruiting the best candidates will allow your company to gain a competitive advantage over your competitors.

Not everyone understands the responsibilities of a recruiter. Since there are sometimes conflicting reports about a recruiter responsibilities, there have been several myths and misconceptions floating around.

Myth 1: A Recruiter’s Responsibility Is Finding A Candidate A Job

The primary goal of a recruiter or staffing agency is to be one of the best tools and resources for their clients or their job candidates. A recruiter can achieve this goal by creating positive and strong relationships. These strong relationships can be built on communication and trust. When a positive relationship is established, the clients and job candidates will have their desires and their needs met.

A recruiter wants to find the best match between a job candidate and the job opportunities that are provided by the client. A recruiter will offer helpful advice to job seekers about hiring strategies, trends in the market, interview tips etc. The job candidate has the responsibility of searching for a job, but the recruiter will help the candidate through the process.

Myth 2: Recruiter Only Look For Candidates Who Will Accept Low Pay

The responsibilities of a recruiter do not include finding the best candidate who will accept the lowest salary. A successful and respected recruiter will look for the best job for the job candidate they are assisting. The recruiter will also find the candidate for a client who is most qualified, based on the requirements and qualifications that have been set.

Myth 3: Recruiters Cannot Find Someone For A Permanent Position

Not every position that a company wants to fill is on a temporary basis. We know that there are many businesses and organizations who want to hire qualified candidates for full-time and permanent positions. If a candidate is offered a temporary position, there is always a chance that the temporary or contract position can turn into a permanent position. Even if a job candidate does not always receive a long-term opportunity, he or she will gain experience and skills that can result in a position at another company in the future.

Myth 4: Clients/Customers Should Only Use The Recruiting Resources

While using a staffing agency and the services of recruiters is a great start, the work should not stop there. There are always extra steps a client or customer can take to find the perfect match for an open position. There will be a variety of tools and resources available to you. It is always a great idea to remain connected to the staffing firm and the recruiter as you work to grow and improve.

It is important that you remember that not every staffing firm is going to be the same. You should make sure you partner with a staffing firm that believes in creating and maintaining strong relationships and finding open jobs for qualified candidates.

If you want to get the conversation started about your desires and needs, please do not hesitate to contact us today.

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Proficient Staffing

A temp staffing agency Powered by Relationships!




We are committed to providing your business with a cost-effective solution to your hiring needs.  Our principals have deep relationships within the business community and we take the time to find the right candidates.

Contact us at: 248.464.3335


6725 Daly, 251453

West Bloomfield, MI 48325

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