Let Proficient Staffing Do the Hiring
Hiring employees on a full-time or part-time basis is not the only way to fill one of your open job positions, although it has certainly...
10 of the Best Part-Time Job for Seniors – Pt 2
[Continued from Part 1] 6) Customer Service Representative In the modern business world, customer service is highly prioritized. Every...
10 Best Part-Time Jobs for Seniors – Pt 1
10 Best Part-Time Jobs for Seniors – Pt 1 Retiring is a fantastic experience. No job, no schedule, and funds to do anything you want...
Can I Hire a Temporary Employee Permanently?
Many businesses hire temporary employees to help them get through challenging times of the year and at the beginning, you’re ready for...
Hiring Tips for Careers that Require Tons of Travel
Travel is something that an employee can handle in one of two ways. They may see travel as a terrible chore full of jetlag and hassle, or...